

DWAA (Dog Writer's of America) Awards and Nominations

Many of Peggy's books and articles received a DWAA Nomination
Some went on to win one of this coveted award.

Books and VOD

paw Separation Anxiety, a Weekend Technique

Owners with dogs who have separation anxiety too often think that the first step to this issue is to go to the veterinarian to get some kind of sedative for their dog.

This VOD (video on demand) shows several ways to approach separation anxiety, including different techniques which have worked for many dogs, without the use of drugs.


This short Youtube video tells more about the VOD

VOD (originally issued as a DVD) received a DWAA Nomination.

Available from Dog Wise found at the link below:


paw Rescue Your Dog From Fear


DWAA Nomination

Available from Dog Wise found at the link below:


When I first set out to write this book, I wanted to call it "From Mill Dog to Real Dog." My plan was to explain ways I'd found to resolve issues in the dogs from National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) I worked with. Those dogs were deemed to problematic to find homes, or who were returned after being adopted. My efforts changed them into dogs who now succeed in their homes.

I also had successfully worked with people who had adopted mill dog rescues, reforming these dogs who after a year in their new home, still needed to learn how to change from fearful dogs, into dogs who could relax and enjoy a normal life.

My book editor wanted more than a book for mill dog rescues. She wanted me to include information to help any rescue dog with fear issues. The editor's "wants" helped shape my book.

Otis, one of my mill dog success stories:


paw Hard to House Train: Practical Solutions for Dog Trainers


DWAA Nomination

Available from Dog Wise found at the link below:



The book contains a lot of information on house training issues and is a great reference book for veterinarians or professional dog trainers.

My article on male marking also received a nomination the same year as the book. My very first DWAA article to win an award was on submissive peeing and both of the article's information is contained in this book, making it stand out from other house training books.

paw Training the Hard to Train Dog

hard Five-star library review

Find this book on Amazon

This was my first dog training book. The book received a five-star library review and has sold well. Since the book was originally published in 2002, I have improved on some of the training techniques talked about in the book. However, there are a few areas where the training is still the best I have found to use. One example of training which has stood the test of time is the case study for Chamois. The training used on this dog reformed the dog from trying to kill another dog in the household, to learning how to live amiably with other dogs.

The book didn't allow me to go into some of the additional training with Chamois. That training helped convince the dog to comply in other areas where the dog didn't want to behave. That training can be found in my accredited course "Lessons in Fear and Aggression Part 4 - Training and Understanding the Reactive and Aggressive Dog." That course is available through

https://e-trainingfordogs.com/canine-problem-behaviors-peggy-swager-courses/ .


paw How to Start a Home-Based Dog Training Business


Winner of a DWAA Award


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